Standard Membership Rates

Standard 2024 Membership Rates

Standard Initiation Fee $8,000.00

Monthly Dues $ 220.00

Monthly Capital Improvement Fund

$ 40.00

Monthly Minimum Spending $100.00

Senior Membership

Senior members in good standing shall have the right to use all facilities of the club, and shall be entitled to vote upon all club matters. Senior members also have the right to run for an elected Lakeside Yacht Club office.

Applies to individuals under age 35 with a boat less than 30′

Standard Initiation Fee $ 4,000.00
Monthly Dues

$ 90.00

Monthly Capital Improvement Fund

$ 40.00

Monthly Minimum Spending $ 100.00

Junior Membership

Junior membership status will be available to qualified individuals under the age of 35 and with a boat, less than 30′.  Junior members in good standing shall have the right to use all social facilities of the club and limited boating and dockage facilities available. Junior members do not have voting privileges.

Applies to individuals under age 34 with a boat less than 30′

Standard Initiation Fee $ 3,000.00
Monthly Dues

$ 90.00

Monthly Capital Improvement Fund

$ 40.00

Monthly Minimum Spending $ 100.00

Junior Membership

Junior membership status will be available to qualified individuals under the age of 34 and with a boat, less than 30′.  Junior members in good standing shall have the right to use all social facilities of the club and limited boating and dockage facilities available. Junior members do not have voting privileges.

Applies to individuals under age 30 with a boat less than 30′

Standard Initiation Fee $ 2,000.00
Monthly Dues

$ 75.00

Monthly Capital Improvement Fund

$ 40.00

Monthly Minimum Spending $ 100.00

Junior Membership

Junior membership status will be available to qualified individuals under the age of 30 and with a boat, less than 30′.  Junior members in good standing shall have the right to use all social facilities of the club and limited boating and dockage facilities available. Junior members do not have voting privileges.

Standard Initiation Fee $ 6,500.00
Monthly Dues  $ 140.00
Monthly Capital Improvement Fund $ 40.00
Monthly Minimum Spending $ 100.00

Social Membership

Social members in good standing shall have the right to use all social facilities in the clubhouse. Social members do not have voting privileges and are subject to all fees and assessments as adopted by the membership.


Boats over 100 ft are  $ 77.00 per foot.

  • Dockage is calculated by boat LOA or dock length, whichever is larger.
  • Electricity Fee is $1.50 per amp
  • Electricity Fee is $1.50 per amp plus $100 per air-conditioner

Boats  65 to 99 ft are $ 52.00 per foot.

  • Dockage is calculated by boat LOA or dock length, whichever is larger.
  • The electricity fee is $1.50 per amp
  • The electricity fee is $1.50 per amp plus $100 per air-conditioner

Boats  64 ft or less are $ 35.00 per foot.

  • Dockage is calculated by boat LOA or dock length, whichever is larger.
  • The electricity fee is $1.50 per amp
  • The electricity Fee is $1.50 per amp plus $100 per air-conditioner

Optional Services for all Membership Categories except Social

  • Travel Lift:  $ 5.00 per linear foot 
  • Mast:  $4.00 per linear foot of the boat
  • Winter Storage: $ 13.00 per linear foot
  • An additional $4 per linear foot of the boat for masts will be assessed for staff assistance


Inquiries are accepted year round by the membership committee. All prospective members should complete a membership information card and a member of the committee will contact you for an application, interview, and tour of the club facilities. Dockage is billed 50% in November and 50% in February. If joining after February, dockage must be paid in full before the boat enters the lagoon.

A member of the membership committee will be pleased to discuss LYC in greater detail, answer questions, arrange for a tour of the facilities or provide you with a membership application.

Phone: (216) 432-3270 | 4851 N Marginal Road, Cleveland, OH 44114