Contact Lakeside Yacht Club

Lakeside Yacht Club

4851 North Marginal Road, Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (216) 432-3270 Fax: (216) 432-0017

Staff Contact List:  Please call the staff member below to assist you or submit the contact form below with your email and phone number so they can respond in a timely fashion.

General Manager: Larry Orlowski – (216) 432- 3270 ext. 101

Dining Manager: Larry Orlowski (216) 432-3270 ext. 102

Accountant: Donna Morris – (216) 432-3270 ext. 104

Office Manager: Cynthia Walker –  (216) 432-3270 ext. 103

Harbor Master:  William Harbath  – (216) 432-3270 ext. 110


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Lakeside Yacht Club | Cleveland, OH